My work

My work



Euclidian Beat Generator in Python
A program that uses euclidean rhythm generation to export beats as midi-files. The user can set parameters as the time signature , BPM and amount of bars. A beat will roll out and the user can choose whether to convert the beat to midi or generate a new rhythm.

Audio effects in C++
A project that processes input audio with effects as: (Stereo) Chorus, Tremolo, LCR Delay and a WaveShaper. I implemented the audio effects in an instrument named “Circles” i made and performed with.

Synthesizers in C++
I made customizable Additive and FM-synthesizers using saw, sine and square oscillators. The Synthesizers play a melody by using a melody class. Parameters as modulation depth/frequency and waveform type give the synthesizer a characteristic sound.


Reflector Selector
An instrument that uses lasers, LDR sensors and small mirrors. The data from the LDR sensors is sent to Javascript and Max MSP using OSC. The data is then mapped and linked to all sorts of parameters

An instrument that uses biodata such as smiling, acceleration and compass to control parameters of self programmed sound effects. The sound created by the rotation of the wooden disc combined with any instrument can be used as input audio.



Piano composition

Algorithmic composition using PureData


Exilus is a fast paced rogue like game where you play as the protagonist. I have been able to work with a team of games and interaction students at the HKU. During the collaboration I took on the entire audio aspect of the game on me and made auditory choices in consultation. Above you can see a piece of the game in combination with the sound design I made.